Strut Your Mutt
Strut Your Mutt with Foster Dogs! We're fundraising for our lifesaving programs including: Foster Roster, Chloe’s Fospice Friends, Foster Education Series, & more. Join the Foster Dogs team! Donate to get more dogs out of the shelter, and into loving foster homes.
be Part of the Event
We're fundraising all summer and fall, and will virtually strut 10/24 to celebrate animal rescue with Best Friends Animal Society. Foster Dogs receives your full tax-deductible donation.
Join the convo
Join our private Facebook group, to announce giveaways, fundraiser incentives, Strut materials and online event plans, and hear tips on being the best fundraiser you can be!
Fundraising’s fun!
We’ll host giveaways and fundraising incentives for our team - up ‘til event day!
Every time you take a walk, use ResQWalk app and choose “Foster Dogs Inc” on your first visit, to raise money!
Our Strut Your Mutt team in NYC, October 2019
Photos by @nycpetphotographer Stacey Axelrod