Sonia Domingues of Bad Girl Nails is today's "Woman Crush Wednesday" and we want you to know why.
When Susie's Senior Dogs and Foster Dogs linked up to form "Famous Fosters," we had a feeling we'd meet some pretty awesome people. We are always searching for ways to educate the public and encourage fostering and adopting in a positive way, and this program allows us to reach new heights! When someone in the public eye shows that "you can foster too, just like I'm doing," it's going to inspire more people to get out there and save an animal's life. In April, Honey was pulled from Animal Care Centers of NYC and needed lots of dental work and a new home. After spending some time in a temporary foster home and getting her teeth fixed up, we learned that Honey was not only dog-friendly, but also incredibly people-friendly!
She moved into the home of Sonia, the woman behind the @badgirlnails account on Instagram. Sonia said "yes" to fostering a dog, and was completely open to the possibilities of what that dog might look or act like. She was glad to
Sonia and her Golden Retriever Simba immediately loved Honey. She fit right in! After just a short time, we received the following note from Sonia:
"Honey is seriously the perfect pet. She's down to curl up with you on the couch but is also up for a nice long walk. She's sweet, playful, affectionate and great with other dogs. You can see in her little soulful eyes she has a lot of love to give. Even though she's a little hard of hearing, Honey is super attentive and intuitive so we understand each other perfectly. Going into this experience as a first time foster, I was nervous, but I couldn't imagine a dog that's more low maintenance and easy to love."
Susie's Senior Dogs and Foster Dogs shared her on our social media accounts, and were proud to show off this sweet ten year old shelter dog!
Honey was Sonia's first foster, but we have a feeling she won't be the last.
What a cool way to start your foster experience, with a senior shelter dog! Thanks to Sonia, and to Susie's Senior Dogs for helping make this program possible! We're thrilled to be able to pull dogs from ACC, and show the world the beauty of adopting and fostering a senior shelter animal.
Thank you Sonia for bringing Honey home, and for showing the world the beauty of fostering! Want to become a foster parent to a dog in need? Join our Foster Roster!
Check out Honey in her adoptive home in New Jersey, with two other senior dogs and a yard - and lots of love to go around!

Thanks to Homeopet, who sent a care package of homeopathic senior-dog remedies, and to Leslie Harris our wonderful volunteer who gave Honey lots of TLC upon her exit from the shelter. And to Susie's Senior Dogs, who helped make this all possible.