Want to feel all warm and cozy inside? Let us tell you about Barry!
Rescued from Animal Care Centers of NYC in late-March, Barry was in rough shape. Remember him from our recent post? His eyes were crusty, he had a heart murmur, his hair was matted, his nails overgrown, his ears infected, and most importantly, his teeth and gums were severely infected. Not to mention he was mostly blind and deaf, to boot. After a visit to Animal Kind Veterinary Hospital in Brooklyn, a luxurious grooming session, a proper diet and medical regimen, and lots of TLC in foster care, Barry was fully "himself" again. Who knows how long it had been since he felt good!
Posing with foster brothers Shaggy (left) and Ozzie (right), of @ozzieandtheaussie
We were so grateful to connect with Susie's Senior Dogs in rescuing Barry, as they covered his entire $2,000 dental surgery and grooming session. It was so worth it, to see his transformation and to help this gentle, sweet, wouldn't-hurt-a-fly senior dog.
Some might say, "10 years old isn't that old for a small dog!" While that is often true, Barry didn't age as gracefully as many. He's an older guy who needed an adopter who understood that he's happy just resting and moseying around the house. He won't want to play, he won't beg for attention, he won't take long walks through the woods. But he will be kind, and will always be grateful for all you can give him!
Making new friends at Rag & Bone. Photo: Stacey Axelrod
After joining for our senior dog event at Rag & Bone and his subsequent feature on Susie's Senior Dogs, Barry finally had some adoption interest. One family outside of the NYC area got in touch with us, and sounded so perfect! They have four other rescues, a passion for seniors, and a deck outside just for the dogs! They even have a room in their home with six dog beds - that's more dog beds than there are dogs.
Posing atop his Den Dog Bed
Sue brought Barry home, and he settled in like the mellow man he is.
Barry with two of his new siblings, also rescued seniors!
We're so grateful to all of Barry's supporters, including Den Dog Beds, NYC Pet, Animal Kind Vet, volunteer Lauren Hirata, and especially Susie's Senior Dogs!
Want to support more dogs like Barry? Donate to our organization!
Photos above by Sarah Brasky, unless otherwise noted